Are you an Indiana landlord? Do you know all the responsibilities and disclosures that come with leasing a property in this state? It’s crucial to understand your obligations for a smooth and legal rental process.

This article provides essential information on Indiana lease agreements so you can confidently navigate the rental market. From lead-based paint hazards to tenant screening and eviction notices, we’ll cover everything you need to know to be a responsible and informed landlord in Indiana.

Let’s dive in and equip you with the knowledge you need.

Landlord Responsibilities and Disclosures

As a landlord in Indiana, you’re responsible for a range of disclosures and responsibilities to ensure a safe and transparent rental agreement.

When it comes to the Indiana lease agreement, there are certain key disclosures that you must make. Firstly, if your rental property was built before 1978, you must disclose any information about lead-based paint hazards to your tenants. This includes providing an EPA-approved information pamphlet called ‘Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home’. Additionally, you must disclose any known lead hazards in the property.

It’s also important to provide the name and address of a person authorized to manage the dwelling unit, as well as a person authorized to receive notices. Furthermore, you must inform tenants if the property is located in a flood plain and provide details about the water or sewage disposal services.

Lastly, it’s necessary to give tenants written notice about the presence of a working smoke detector in the rental unit.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, you can ensure compliance with the Indiana rental lease agreement and maintain a transparent relationship with your tenants.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Indiana rental lease agreement PDF.

Rent and Fees

When it comes to rent and fees in the lease agreement Indiana prescribes, you must be aware of the following guidelines and regulations.

Rent is due on the date specified in the rental agreement, and there’s no statewide rent control in Indiana.

Application fees for Indiana rentals aren’t regulated, and there are no statutory limits on late fees. If a tenant’s rent check bounces, the landlord may charge a fee of $25.

As for security deposits, there’s no limit on the amount that can be charged. Landlords aren’t required to pay interest on security deposits and must return them within 45 days. Landlords can withhold funds from the security deposit for unpaid rent, utility charges, or damages, and must provide an itemized list of deductions to the tenant.

Security Deposits

To properly handle security deposits in Indiana lease agreements, landlords must adhere to certain guidelines and regulations.

– There’s no limit on security deposit amounts in Indiana, and landlords aren’t required to pay interest on security deposits.

– However, it’s important for landlords to return security deposits within 45 days of the tenant moving out.

– While there’s no specific requirement for how landlords should store security deposits, it’s recommended to keep them in a separate account to avoid commingling funds.

– Landlords also have the right to withhold funds from the security deposit for unpaid rent, utility charges, or damages to the property.

– It’s crucial for landlords to provide an itemized list of deductions to the tenant.

Tenant Screening and Fair Housing Protections

Screening tenants and ensuring fair housing protections are crucial for landlords in Indiana lease agreements. As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to comply with federal law, which prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, familial status, and disability. Indiana state law also reaffirms these protections, emphasizing the importance of treating all applicants and tenants fairly.

When screening potential tenants, you must comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act when using credit reports. While the use of criminal background checks during tenant screening in Indiana isn’t regulated, it’s recommended to follow the guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to ensure fairness.

Eviction Notices and Other Laws

To ensure compliance with Indiana lease agreements, landlords must be aware of eviction notices and other laws that govern the landlord-tenant relationship.

In Indiana, if a tenant fails to pay rent, landlords must provide a rent demand notice, giving the tenant 10 days to pay or quit.

For lease violations, landlords must first provide a notice to cure or quit before filing for eviction. However, in certain cases where the violation is severe, an unconditional notice to quit can be given, requiring the tenant to vacate within 45 days without an opportunity to remedy the violation.

It’s important for landlords to understand these eviction notice requirements and follow the proper procedures to protect their rights and avoid legal complications. Any termination of lease agreement in Indiana requires these notices. 


So, as a landlord in Indiana, it’s crucial to understand your responsibilities and obligations when it comes to lease agreements.

From disclosing information to tenants to understanding rent and fees, security deposits, tenant screening, fair housing protections, and eviction notices, being informed and responsible is key.

By familiarizing yourself with these important aspects, you can ensure a smooth and legal rental process, protecting both yourself and your tenants.

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